
Home Dams and Weirs Wivenhoe

About Wivenhoe

Wivenhoe Dam is South East Queensland’s largest water storage and is the main supply of water for Brisbane and the greater Ipswich area.

Wivenhoe Dam was built on the Brisbane River, about 80 kilometres from Brisbane. It was designed by the Water Resources Commission and built in 1984.

The dam was built for the dual purpose of providing a safe and reliable water supply for the region and flood mitigation.

It is a gated dam which allows us to make controlled water releases during times of heavy rain. Wivenhoe Dam has a total storage capacity of 3.132 million megalitres.

If you would like to be notified about releases from Wivenhoe Dam, sign up to our free dam release notification service or download our public safety mobile app. 

More information here: https://www.seqwater.com.au/news/wivenhoe-dam-operational-releases-through-radial-gate 

   Watch the Wivenhoe Dam camera stream


    Current capacity


    On 21 January 2016, temporary full supply levels were enacted for Somerset Dam (80%) and Wivenhoe Dam (90%) as part of the Somerset Dam Improvement Project.

    On 6 November 2020, the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water approved an application by Seqwater to amend our resource operations licences to reduced full supply levels at Somerset Dam and Wivenhoe Dam. These amended levels equate to storage percentages of approximately 80% for Somerset Dam and 90% for Wivenhoe Dam.  

    The amended full supply levels will remain in place until current dam improvement works at Somerset Dam are completed. Seqwater will commence flood releases from Wivenhoe Dam and Somerset Dam if storage levels exceed the amended full supply levels as a result of rainfall in the dam catchments.

    Full supply volume
    1,165,240 ML
    Operational volume
    1,051,460 ML
    Current volume
    909,655 ML
    at 11:30am 22/10/2024
    • Key information


      Brisbane River

      Upstream of Fernvale

      Catchment area

      Length of dam wall

      Year completed

      Type of construction
      Zoned earth and rock fill embankment

      Flood mitigation
    • Wivenhoe Dam is located on the Brisbane River in the Somerset Regional Council area.

      Wivenhoe Dam’s primary function is to provide a safe drinking water supply to the people of Brisbane and surrounding areas. It also provides flood mitigation.

      The dam wall is 2.3 kilometres long, with five radial gates to release water. Wivenhoe has a catchment area of 7020km2, and can store up to 1.165 million megalitres of water at full supply level.

      During a flood event, Wivenhoe is designed to hold back close to two million megalitres on top of its drinking water storage capacity.

    • Flood mitigation

      During a flood event, Wivenhoe Dam and Somerset Dam are managed in accordance with the Manual of Operational Procedures for Flood Mitigation at Wivenhoe Dam and Somerset Dam Revision 17 (December 2023)

      Wivenhoe Dam has a total storage capacity of 3.132 million megalitres.  At full supply level, it will hold 1.165 million megalitres. During a flood, Wivenhoe is designed to hold back close to two million megalitres on top of its drinking water storage capacity. The extra water is temporarily stored in the flood storage compartment for flood mitigation purposes. Read more about Wivenhoe Dam.

      It’s important neighbours and people downstream of dams know what to do in the unlikely event of an emergency. Each of our dams have an emergency action plan (EAP) in place to enable us to respond quickly to potential incidents in partnership with the Bureau of Meteorology, relevant emergency services and local councils. For Wivenhoe Dam, this is Somerset Regional Council.