Right to information

We are committed to providing the community with open and transparent access to information about our services, activities and business operations.

What is Right to Information?

Right to Information (RTI) legislation is the Queensland Government's approach to giving the community greater access to information held by the Government. The Queensland Government has made a commitment to provide access to information held by the Government, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information.

Seqwater staff on site
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Publication Scheme

Our Publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from our organisation. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by Seqwater.

Access to this information is provided in many of our corporate documents, which are available through our publication scheme.

View the Publication Scheme

Disclosure Log

Our disclosure log provides details of non-personal information released under the Right to Information Act 2009 that is considered to be of significant interest to the wider public.

View the Disclosure Log

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Administrative Release

We may decide to provide access to further information without the need for a formal application under the Right to Information Act 2009 or the Information Privacy Act 2009, particularly to facilitate routine access to non-sensitive information or to your own personal information. If you can’t find information you require through our Publication Scheme or Disclosure Log, contact our RTI Contact Officer to enquire whether the information is accessible through an administrative release process.

There is no application fee for administrative access applications. However, requests for copies of documents may attract a charge. These charges are 25c per page for photocopying documents plus any fee that we incur to retrieve the information.

Application for information

To access other Seqwater information, you will need to make a formal application under the Right to Information Act 2009 or the Information Privacy Act 2009 (if the information is your personal information).

Application form

You can submit a Right to Information or Information Privacy application directly to Seqwater using the Right to Information and Information Privacy Access Application form.

Please post the completed form and the application fee (if required – see below) to:

RTI Contact Officer
PO Box 328
Ipswich QLD 4305

Application fee

There is an application fee of $55.75 if you are applying for information that is not your personal information. This fee must be paid before your application can be processed.

Please complete a cheque or money order made payable to Seqwater and include it with your application.

In addition to the application fee, you may be charged the following for processing:

  • processing documents if your application takes longer than five hours to process ($8.65 for each 15 minutes of part thereof)
  • photocopying documents (25 cents per photocopied A4 page).

Processing charges are usually payable when we notify you of the decision regarding your application.

Enquiries and feedback

If you have any enquiries or feedback about Seqwater’s RTI practices, including our publication scheme, please contact our RTI Adviser:
PO Box 328, Ipswich QLD 4305
Phone: 0448 407 160
E-mail: [email protected]

Amendment of your personal information

If you wish to amend your personal information held by Seqwater, please submit an application directly to Seqwater using the Information Privacy Personal Information Amendment Application Form.

Please post the completed form to:
Privacy Contact Officer
PO Box 328
Ipswich QLD 4305

There is no fee for an amendment application.

What to do if you are not satisfied

If you are not satisfied with any decision in relation to a Right to Information or Information Privacy application you have made, you may ask for a review. 

You may request an internal review as long as you do so within 20 business days of being told of the decision.

Submit a written request to:

RTI Contact Officer
PO Box 328
Ipswich QLD 4305

A person senior to the original decision-maker will review your application and inform you of the review decision within 20 business days. Reasons will be given if access or amendment is still refused.

You may request an external review of a decision if you do not wish to take advantage of an internal review or if you are dissatisfied with the result of an internal review.

The Information Commissioner may change or confirm the decision made on your Right to Information or Information Privacy request, or may try to mediate a settlement between you and Seqwater.

Visit the Office of the Information Commissioner website for more information about requesting an external review.

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