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Home News Statement from Seqwater Chief Executive Officer Neil Brennan

Statement from Seqwater Chief Executive Officer Neil Brennan

Paying our people correctly is of the utmost importance and a large-scale review by Seqwater has identified instances where our people have not historically received their correct entitlements. 

I want to apologise to both our former and current employees who have been affected by this issue.

Seqwater commenced a large-scale review of our remuneration practices in 2020 to determine whether there were any areas of concern.

We have been working closely since this time with the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO), our people and their unions and we are nearing the end of repayments to both current and former employees.

Our review has determined this issue was largely a result of complex and ambiguous enterprise agreements, and our payroll system. 
We are undertaking an extensive program of work to repay current and former staff and have implemented a comprehensive suite of controls to ensure compliance with obligations.

Additional reviews are being undertaken following each pay run while we work towards implementing a new payroll system. In addition, an employee education program has also been rolled out across the business, so employees and leaders better understand entitlements and what they are able to claim.

Getting this right and paying our people correctly is of the utmost importance and we are committed to continuing to work with our people, their unions and the Fair Work Ombudsman. 

Any questions?

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07 3247 3000

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