Water Future Community Grants Program 2021
The community grants program has closed for 2021. Successful applicants have been notified and a public announcement will be made as soon as possible.
As the region’s bulk water supply authority, we are committed to water for life. Our service extends beyond water supply, to supporting a sustainable water future for generations to come.
The Water Future Community Grants Program provides up to $10,000 to community organisations and not-for-profits for projects and initiatives that build a water wise South East Queensland.
Our goal with the grants program is to encourage trusted community organisations to engage their communities to become water wise.
The application period has now closed. Seqwater has notified successful applicants. A public announcement will be made as soon as possible.
For 2021, $60,000 in funding will be made available for the grants program. Applicants may apply for $500 to $10,000 in funding for programs that will be implemented between 1 June 2021 and 1 June 2022.
Water Future Program Community Grants seeks to fund applications which deliver programs or initiatives that help build a more water wise South East Queensland. A water wise community is where people:
- Understand the urban water cycle
- Understand water treatment and what makes water safe to drink
- Understand where drinking water comes from (including climate resilient water sources like desalination and purified recycled water)
- Use water efficiently
- Shows care for water sources and the catchments that surround them and
- Participates in decision making and takes action to manage water sustainably.
Applications must address one or more of the water wise elements listed above for the application to be considered.
In addition, this year we are encouraging applicants to focus on one or more of the following communities:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Rural communities
- Young adults (18 - 25)
- Youth (13 - 18)
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities
2021 Funding Round:
- Funding round opens: Monday 15 February 2021
- Funding round closes: Thursday 25 March 2021
Please use the application form below to apply.
For more information, please email us at [email protected]
The funding round for applications have closed.
The application period for 2021 has closed.
Successful applicants have been notified.
- Frequently asked questions
What kind of initiatives are you looking to support?
Seqwater wants to support initiatives that will create lasting benefit for the community specifically building water wise communities. Initiatives should support one or more of the below elements:
- Understands the urban water cycle
- Understands water treatment and what makes water safe to drink,
- Understands where drinking water comes from (including climate resilient water sources like desalination and purified recycled water),
- Uses water efficiently,
- Shows care for water sources and the catchments that surround them, and
- Participates in decision making and takes action to manage water sustainably
Applicants must focus on one or more of of the water wise elements above for the application to be considered.
In addition, this year, we are encouraging applicants to focus on one or more of the following communities:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities
- Youth (13 – 18 years old)
- Rural communities
- Young Adults (18 – 25 years old)
How do I apply?Please download the application form located above and fill out.
Please return completed application form and proof of your organisation's legal entity status to:
[email protected]Completed applications must be received by no later than Thursday 25 March 2021 at 5pm.
Who can apply?We encourage applications from recognised community groups or not-for-profit organisations in South East Queensland. There are eligibility criteria each prospective applicant must meet in order to be assessed.
Applicants should be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation and operate within the Local Government Area of Noosa Council, Sunshine Coast Council, Moreton Bay Regional Council, Redland City Council, Brisbane City Council, City of Gold Coast, Logan City Council, Ipswich City Council, Scenic Rim Regional Council, Lockyer Valley Regional Council, Somerset Regional Council or Gympie Regional Council.
We encourage applications from recognised community groups or not-for-profit organisations in South East Queensland. The eligibility criteria each prospective applicant must meet is shown below.
- Where does the applicant operate?
Tick all that apply
Sunshine Coast
Moreton BayRedland City
Brisbane City
Logan City
Ipswich City
City of Gold Coast
Scenic Rim
Lockyer Valley
Outside SEQ
- Will the initiative be delivered in South East Queensland?
- Yes
- No
- Is the organisation not-for-profit or has the application been made through a sponsoring not-for-profit?
- Yes
- No
- Does the applicant have at least $10 million public liability insurance?
- Yes
- No
- Is the funding request between $500 and $10,000?
- Yes
- No
How will applications be assessed?Applications will be assessed by an Seqwater selection panel using the below selection criteria.
Provide an overview of the initiative demonstrating clear benefit for your community.
Demonstrate how your initiative will build water wise communities by meeting one or more of the following water wise elements:
- Understands the urban water cycle
- Understands water treatment and what makes water safe to drink,
- Understands where drinking water comes from (including climate resilient water sources like desalination and purified recycled water),
- Uses water efficiently,
- Shows care for water sources and the catchments that surround them, and
- Participates in decision making and takes action to manage water sustainably.
Provide a detailed action plan for the delivery of your initiative, including the start and finish date, milestones and who will be delivering each element of the initiative.
Demonstrate how your initiative will achieve value for money and provide a detailed budget including:
- funding requirement from Seqwater
- funding requirements from other parties
- total costs
- costs already funded and unfunded costs
- detail any collaboration with other organisations (including government, business, or not for profit organisations) as well as in-kind or matching contributions from those organisations.
You should include administration, resources, travel, infrastructure, and equipment costs over and above your typical operating expenses.
Provide evidence of your organisation’s experience in effectively delivering similar services. Include how you will manage and monitor service delivery to achieve the program objectives.
Each selection criteria above are equally weighed according to a rating scale.
In addition, applications that seek to fund initiatives that benefit and foster engagement with one or more of the following communities will be highly regarded:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities
- Rural Communities
- Youth (13 - 18 years old)
- Young Adults (18 - 25 years old)
What local government area do we need to operate within?Applications will be accepted from incorporated not-for-profit organisation within:
- Noosa Council
- Sunshine Coast Council
- Moreton Bay Regional Council
- Redland City Council
- Brisbane City Council
- City of Gold Coast
- Gympie Regional Council
- Logan City Council
- Ipswich City Council
- Scenic Rim Regional Council
- Lockyer Valley Regional Council
- Somerset Regional Council
What kind of organisations can apply?Community organisations and not-for-profits are encouraged to apply.
Eligible organisations must be incorporated under a Commonwealth or Queensland Act of Parliament including, but not limited to the following legislation and subordinate legislation or regulations as may be amended from time to time.
- Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld)
- Cooperatives Act 1997 (Qld)
- Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (provided such organisation is a company limited by guarantee with not-for-profit objectives)
- Community Services Act 2007 (Qld)
- Local Government Act 2009 (Qld)
- Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)
- Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld) (including parent and citizens associations).
What kind of insurance is required?A minimum of $10 million public liability insurance is required. Proof of insurance will be requested.